Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Jabba's Palace Interim Report

By Chris Bonnell

 I started with a quick thumbnail sketch of the scene.

The idea was to recreate the Jabba's Palace scene from ROTJ in a courtly woodcut style.
I couldn't find a good screen shot from the film that depicted my desired perspective. I was able to dig up the soundstage blueprints from a SW fan message board.

This was a huge help, but I needed something with more detail. There were a number of dioramas. This was one of the best. 

It wasn't long before I found this amazing model by Mike Beaulieu.

I was able to draft a computer model from the Beaulieu piece. 

I decided to slightly alter the set to fit Han Solo trapped in carbonite.

My next challenge was to figure out who belonged in the scene. This turned out to be a much bigger task than I expected.

The Star Wars universe is tremendous.

The more I searched for all the characters in Jabba's Palace, the more I found.

There were so many that I sketched a catalogue of the creatures, robots and humans.

Then I placed them digitally.

And sketched them individually.

I scanned the drawings and imported them into the scene.

 After a few weeks of research and drafts, it's time to ink this in. More to come...


  1. That's a cool project. Nice job!

  2. this is sickk, suoer helpful for my diorama project that abou t begin!thanks
